Development can only take place when children are actively involved, when they are occupied with a high, non stop degree of concentration, when they are interested, when they give themselves completely, when they use all their mental abilities to invent and make new things and when this gives them a high degree of satisfaction and pleasure.
Ferre Laevers.
- Provide pupils with memorable, diverse and rich opportunities which will enable them to learn and develop a range of transferable skills.
- Raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning.
- Explore the children’s own experiences, heritage and traditions as a starting point.
- Ignite children’s natural curiosity and inspire children to explore, investigate and be motivated to continue to develop a love of learning
- Empower children to become lifelong learners, for example developing the skills of listening, independence, resilience, motivation and creativity.
Rich first-hand experiences, continuous and enhanced provision both indoors and outdoors combined with thoughtful adult interactions facilitate and extend children’s learning and development. All interactions and teachable moments build on prior learning and teachers support children to learn, know and remember more through:
- Knowledge organisers which outline sticky learning, including vocabulary, that all children must master.
- Specialist vocabulary for topics taught and built up (see vocabulary progression document)
- Trips and visits from specialists who will enhance the learning experience and inspire children.
- Working in partnership with parents, via Tapestry, Class Dojo, parent workshops, reading records; in order gain a valuable insight into children’s learning at home.
- A carefully planned environment works as the silent teacher, allows for differentiated challenges and for child led exploration.
- Skill progression maps displayed and used within the classroom environment allow adult interactions to target children’s next steps in learning.
- A plan, do, review approach which allows children to follow their own interests and to discuss and reflect upon their own learning, the challenges they overcame and the resources they needed.
Well planned transition between pre-school and nursery settings allows children time to be familiar with and confident around the school staff and the new setting.