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Here at Ropsley we flourish as mathematicians because:
Our Maths curriculum develops ALL children into self-motivated, resilient mathematicians who enjoy Mathematics and can apply it in everyday life.
Our excellent Maths practice is inspired by global teaching and provides our children with innovative and inspiring lessons. We recognise that Maths is an essential skill that will develop our children into successful life-long learners.  We seek to promote the value of Maths to our entire school family.
Our curriculum provides all children with a strong understanding of number with many opportunities to apply their understanding in increasingly complex problems. We provide all children with the opportunity to master the curriculum so they flourish into happy, inspired mathematicians.
Our school uses the White Rose scheme of work. Each teacher uses this resource to help support their planning for small, connected steps alongside the NCETM Professional Development Materials. This ensures that learning progresses through small, coherent steps and new learning is built into a familiar context, resulting in deep, sustained learning. Teachers will spend longer on aspects of the curriculum if their assessment deems this appropriate.
Staff at Ropsley School have had training on teaching for Mastery and the ‘Five Big Ideas’ of Mastery and are beginning to embed this in their planning.
The structure of a Maths Mastery lesson consists of the following:
  • Whole class teaching with challenges for those higher attaining pupils
  • Ping pong
  • Use of manipulatives to support teaching and understanding
  • Use of different representations
  • Lessons building through Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract stages of learning
  • Stem sentences to orally rehearse answers ready to reason about Mathematics
  • Reasoning to apply and deepen mathematical understanding.
  • Support for children with SEND through preteaching and specific support
Each class also delivers daily CLIC sessions – Counting, Learn its, It’s Nothing New, Calculation. This helps children have a strong understanding of number so they can recall known facts with speed and accuracy. Children are tested through either the ‘Beat That!’ or ‘Learn Its’ assessments each Friday.
By the time our children reach the end of KS2, we aim for them to be fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. They can recall times table facts and number bonds quickly and apply them to problems. They can reason mathematically using vocabulary they have rehearsed through their maths lessons.
We measure the impact of our high quality Mathematics curriculum by:
  • Using the White Rose block assessments to measure learning after the teaching of each block.
  • Discussing work with pupils and collating feedback from pupils about their Maths lessons.
  • Completing work scrutinies.
  • Moderating children’s work with other schools in our Grace Schools Collaboration.
  • Using the Question Level Analysis from the Year 6 National Curriculum tests to target weaker areas of teaching.
We know that some children find Maths more difficult than others. If your child is struggling, we follow a plan to help organise support. Please see the document below 'Supporting Children in Maths'.