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Our partnership with parents is very important to us at Ropsley C of E Primary School. We recognise that working together can be a powerful lever in raising attainment and offering a wider range of experiences for our children.

Our very supportive parents are involved in many aspects of their child’s time in our school, through attending consultation evenings, joining the PTA, running after school clubs, listening to readers or simply offering ideas. 

The school also works hard to support its parents. Staff make themselves available on the playground each morning. They provide a weekly target for each individual child for literacy and numeracy and let you know how well your child does every week. We run after school clubs, catch up clubs in the holidays and provide workshops that let parents know what is going on in school.

The links on the left will; we hope, provide any further information you would like. If their is something else you would like to see on the parents’ section of our site, please don’t hesitate to pop into school and let us know.