Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum
We are very proud of the exciting curriculum we offer, both in school time and after school, at Ropsley Church of England Primary School.
We follow the National Curriculum which we have personalised so that we can provide rich and exciting learning experiences. Our curriculum is enriched by our focus on our core values of Respect, Love, Trust, Hope, Friendship and Thankfulness and a sense of awe and wonder at the world we live in. We are committed to developing the whole child and our children will have the opportunity to be creative, to be physically active and to be academically challenged.
As many areas of the curriculum are naturally interrelated, we find the most effective approach is through topic work and we have an exciting range of topics and themes which our pupils love.
We invite parents in to see the learning at the end of each topic; this might be in the form of a gallery, a presentation, a shared task or simply an opportunity to look at the finished work. In the past parents have enjoyed picnics, built shelters and bridges and toured Ropsley Village with the children as historical guides
As we have mixed year classes, we work on a two year cycle so that there is no chance pupils will repeat a topic. Our topics are enriched with fantastic visits and visitors. As it is not always possible to make meaningful links across the breadth of the curriculum, there are parts that are taught discretely. However, it is our full aim to ensure that pupils apply the skills they have learned in purposeful ways, throughout.
Starting with pupils in our Reception classes, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which covers seventeen Early Learning Goals in seven key areas of learning. Our pupils learn through planned and purposeful play and through a mix of activities that are led by adults or initiated by the child themselves. Please see the Class Pages under the Children Menu for further details about what we teach each week.
From Year 1 onwards, we follow the current National Curriculum in accordance with legal requirements. This is a nationally set programme in which pupils are formally assessed in the core subjects at the ages of 7 and 11.
You can find links to information about both below
Our curriculum also encompasses Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education focusing on the development of the children's moral and spiritual understanding. We follow the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus for RE. please see the links to the left for more detail.
The core National Curriculum subjects are:
Alongside these core subjects, we teach the foundation subjects:
- Design and Technology
- History
- Geography
- Computing
- Art and Design
- Music
- Physical Education
- Modern Foreign Languages - French
Our curriculum also encompasses Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education focusing on the development of the children's moral and spiritual understanding.
Outdoor Enrichment
We are also delighted to offer an Outdoor Enrichment Programme which provides opportunities for the children to plan, do and review outdoor challenges such as building shelters, lighting fires and cooking on our outdoor stove.
After School Curriculum
We are very proud of the wide variety and number of after school clubs offered to our children. If you would like to know more about what the school offers afterschool please click on this link. http://www.ropsley.lincs.sch.uk/schoolClubs.asp
Further Details about the Curriculum for each class can be found on the Class Pages.
Booklets explaining the expectations at the end of each year can be downloaded below. Further information can be accessed by contacting the Headteacher.