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Religious Education

Religion is one tree with many branches. As branches, you may say, religions are many, but as a tree, religion is only one. Mahatma Gandhi

The teaching and learning of RE provides the foundations for understanding the world through the areas of believing, thinking and living.

Our children learn about and explore different faiths and belief systems, respect the beliefs of others and display an awareness of what these faiths are built on.

They consider bigger questions, what they believe, and how this will allow them to make a difference.

Our children will be encouraged to be curious, independent learners, who use their knowledge to make responsible choices as citizens of the world.


The right to withdraw
Parents have the legal right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education (RE) lessons if they choose to do so. At Ropsley Church of England Primary School, we value the importance of RE in promoting understanding, respect, and diversity. However, we respect parents' wishes and ask that any requests for withdrawal are made in writing to the Headteacher. We encourage an open conversation to discuss the curriculum and explore any concerns, ensuring we can support families in making an informed decision.