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Attendance at our school is excellent current 98.07%

Other absence
A 'Request for Absence Form' can  be submitted to request planned absences e.g. medical appointments, visits to secondary schools or absences due to exceptional  circumstances, including bereavement. You can find the form below. 

When completing the form, please provide as much information as possible. Arrangements should not be confirmed unless authorisation has been received. 

Regular, uninterrupted attendance at school is in the best interests of your child. When children are away, they inevitably miss out on what is happening in school, which means that as well as coping with new learning on their return, they have to catch up on what has been missed; new learning  frequently depends upon building blocks and steps in learning, so gaps in learning can cause problems for a child as they move through school.

Sickness absence

If your child is absent from school due to illness, please telephone on the first day of absence, you can leave a message on the school answerphone. If the absence is likely to be for more than two days, please telephone again to let us know. If you do not provide a valid reason for absence it will be recorded as unauthorised. 

To reduce the spread of infectious illnesses in school, children with stomach upsets should be kept at home for 48 hours after the last episode, before returning to school.